domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021

Last blog

 Hello today I will talk about my experience in this English course. I think the English course is well planned, in the sense that not only should we speak English in our classes, we should also do exercises and also write these blogs, which I think is a very good idea to really integrate learning of the class. Blogs also seem good to me because they give us a writing space, which although it has a forced foot, allows us to express ourselves freely, using English not only to understand it, but also to really be able to communicate.

What I think was a bit difficult about the course was not being able to have face-to-face classes due to the pandemic, because I think that in something that has everything to do with communication it is super important to be able to interact with people. I hope that next year people will be able to attend classes at the university. It also seems to me that some classes dedicated more to grammatics than learning vocabulary could be added, because I think it is an aspect where sometimes we fall a little short.

Anyway I think the methodology has been very good and the topics of the blogs have been very entertaining. These days I use English more than anything to watch movies or series and listen to music, but the truth is that outside of that the use of English is not something very common in my daily life, it is not something that I should use as a means of communication currently.

It has been a really fun experience writting this blogs, i hope you has enjoyed too, greetings!!!

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2021

Changes in my academic program

 Hello, today I will talk about the things that I would like to improve in my academic program, as a student of plastic arts. First of all, I believe in my program there is a great debt to women artists, mainly because little is taught to us about the women who were in the art scene in different times, saying that there were not so many or that they did not make art, which is perfectly known that it is not like that.

So the first thing I would do would be to add a branch that talks about the history of women's art, and from a feminist perspective, with readings written by women, and an analysis of the context in which they developed as artists and as women. A complete branch dedicated to that, because it seems to me that the adjustments that have been made to the art history branch, which have been adding one or two classes dedicated to this subject, are not enough. Not to mention the readings, which are always by heterosexual white male authors.

Another thing that I would add would be some classes dedicated exclusively to learning how to mount in rooms, and everything that is entails, from studying artists' montages, to doing it in a practical way in the workshop, learning to build artifacts perhaps, that allow us to improve the montages . I think this is something that especially now with the online university, it has been noticed that it is very little empowered in us students.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2021

Postgraduate studies

 Doing a postgraduate degree is something that I haven't really thought about much, especially because now that I'm in the fourth year I'm a little tired and I only think about how much time I have left to finish. also if I think about this time in which the classes have been online, it seems even more exhausting.

However, if I allow myself to imagine it, I think there is something I would like to do if I get the chance. The first thing would be to do a master's degree in visual arts, because I would very much like to be able to continue delving into everything that is the process of creating an art work, which I feel is something that I need due to the pandemic. I imagine doing it in Chile, however I would love to be able to study abroad, but I see that a bit far away.

The other thing that I would like to do, is not a postgraduate degree, but a different career, which would be studying film, which although it is different from what I study, I think it is something that complements very well and that could serve me a lot, and it could expand the languages ​​that I use when creating art.

But I must say that at this precise moment all this is only in the idea, because at this moment I am concentrated in finishing my current career and none of these ideas have been really evaluated.

Last blog

 Hello today I will talk about my experience in this English course. I think the English course is well planned, in the sense that not only ...